“Weigend is a bold explorer of the technological future. His compelling book maps the opportunities of a world without secrets.”
— DANIEL KAHNEMAN, Nobel Laureate, and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow
“DATA FOR THE PEOPLE asks us to think seriously about the data we generate in our online world, and how we are increasingly losing control over it. Weigend acknowledges and embraces this future, and provides a framework and a call to action to ensure that in this world, as consumers, we can use and control our data in ways that are both transparent and beneficial to us.”
— VINOD KHOSLA, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, and partner, Khosla Ventures
“DATA FOR THE PEOPLE is a brilliant guide for how individuals, companies, and policymakers can tap data’s value while retaining our human values. Thought-provoking—and action-inspiring!”
“A bill of rights for your most valuable possession: your data.”
— NEIL GERSHENFELD, director, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms, and author of Fab
“A thoughtful and realistic look at how we can regain control over our data—and our lives.”
— CHARLES DUHIGG, author of The Power of Habit and of Smarter Faster Better
“A landmark in the debate on privacy and a wake-up call for data literacy.”
— PEDRO DOMINGOS, author of The Master Algorithm
“Our competing values of privacy, convenience, identity, and control are restructured by abundant, ubiquitous, and personal data. No one understands this better than Weigend.”
— CLAY SHIRKY, author of Here Comes Everybody
“Finally a highly readable book, full of inspiring examples, by a leading technologist! Weigend writes with superb clarity about the most important issue of the early twenty-first century.”
— ANDREW KEEN, author of The Internet Is Not the Answer